Reaching your potential is a journey worth taking.
It starts with an inspiration, an idea, a longing to
be the very best you can be.
We are here to help you understand where to start.

Invest in Yourself

Personal Development is a process of self discovery and self development. It helps you recognise what is working well and what is not.

Your goal is our priority.

We bring deep expertise in the area of higher education and we draw on our experience to help you to shape a better future.

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The Why/What

Most journeys start with “Why?” You question yourself on what’s next? You have found the right job, developed the right prospects, achieved important milestones, and now What? Can you have a different kind of impact and open the door to a whole new world?

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The How

Consider us your sparring partner, to help you look at your technical expertise, skillset, and personality, to offer a perspective on which direction you should take. We help you to fine-tune your purpose, your hidden brilliance and what motivates you so that you can re-ignite your passion and go on to discover new success.

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The Now What?

We are your objective friend, offering gentle yet challenging support, to guide and help you move out of your comfort zone and expand your horizons.

Our mission is to boost your confidence and help you to choose a path unique to your goals and needs.

What our clients say

“Thorough. Prompt. Impartial. Honest. Patient. It was an absolute delight to be coached by Jo Anne through the decision-making process of whether the executive doctorate was the right decision for me at that point in my life. Thank you Jo Anne!”

— Roslina Chai (Doctoral Candidate)
Managing Director, Catalyst Consulting

“Jo Anne knows I am curious and always like to learn…

What I like about her is that she does not sell or push, which is very refreshing. Always allowing space.

She simply listens, answers questions, has always been transparent about the programme or the school, and connected me with previous participants.”

— Anne-Isabelle Sam (Doctoral Candidate)
Chief People Officer, East-West Seed

“Jo Anne has given tremendous support to my team and has demonstrated deep understanding of each team member. This in turn has helped us to build more cohesion as a group and we now benefit from a much more efficient working style. Jo Anne inspires her clients, has an excellent service attitude and is extremely effective in stakeholder management.”

— Hui Wan
Head of Medical Affairs Oncology, Takeda